Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chicken Terror

Oh dear, they’re 
Back! How can it 
Be? They must be 
Here to torture 
Me! What did I do
To draw such 
Fate? Why aren’t 
Those chickens on a 
Plate instead of 
In the barn? 
Forsooth, with every 
Squawk I lose my 
Youth! Remove them 
Please, I cannot
Bear to think
That they are over 
There. Too close
For comfort, to be 
Sure, it’s terror 
I just won’t
Endure. I’m on alert,
My head is
High, my body
Quakes, what
If I die because
Some poultry
Got away? A
Lousy end to a
Lovely day.
So, I implore
Remove them
Hence before
I lose all
Common sense.

* * *

I do not tolerate chickens well. They are squawking, flapping, foul fowl with no consideration for others with whom they share the barn ... namely me. I like my peace and quiet. I like to stand over my hay and eat while contemplating my next poetic masterpiece without the constant cacophony of chicken gossip, like "My egg is bigger than your egg!" or "Oh my gosh, did you see the length of his feathers!!" 

Who cares? Go find a chicken coop somewhere!

Now normally I'm a pretty even-tempered fellow, but chickens just send me. I'm not proud of it, and I know my mother would rather I "get real," as she likes to put it.  But I, like everyone else, have my sensitive proclivities (Marvin doesn't like stud muffins; Jupiter doesn't like much, etc. ... names changed to protect the innocent ...), and chickens just happen to be something I don't like.

Fortunately it wasn't long before the human folk removed the evil squawkers to the other barn. Now I can stop looking over my shoulder and get back to the serious business of eating and quiet contemplation.

Chickens indeed!

Copyright Aimwell Enterprises 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lead Me

Okay, dear mother, 
Now what do I do?
You know that I take 
All my signals from you.
The wind is a’gusting,
It’s rattling the walls.
The roof is a’quaking
From tempestuous squalls.
It’s bad in that corner.
Your tension is mine.
Just give me an aid
Everything will be fine.
A little bit spooky
I feel, it is true.
But I’d rather be happy
In motion with you.
So, lead me, dear mother,
In my moment abide.
And together we’ll have
A safe, happy ride. 

* * * 

Another missive influenced by the weather ... what can I say? It happens every day, the weather. Yesterday was particularly blustery, and the sense of this was particularly heightened while mother (aka the "Scribe") and I were flexing our collective muscles in the arena. As winds from the north west pummelled the walls it was easy to feel unnerved. Mother was not feeling 100% to begin with -- I know this because I can feel everything she's feeling as her body tries to direct my every move, even before she gets in the saddle. If she spooks, I spook; if I spook, she spooks. ("Let's call the whole thing off ...") 

For some reason she was particularly spooky yesterday and the gusting winds really played this up. She was so spooky, in fact, that before getting on me she gave me the run of the arena (an exercise commonly referred to as a "Yahoo!) to get the spooks out. But I really think it should have been her running around in there. Really I felt fine. I had simply been reacting to what was going on inside of her. Some how, though, I don't think she'd go for that.

Copyright Aimwell Enterprises 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Raining ... again!

I’m standing in the rain ... again.
Pitter pat … pitter pat … pitter pat
Upon my back it falls —
It galls my sensibilities
Once more to suffer the
Pits and pats of weather
Inclemency. Such a drain ...
The rain.

* * *

As you may have guessed I'm a bit obsessed with the weather. This is mostly because I have to stand in it all day.  And while I do not generally allow my moods to be dictated by what is, or isn't, falling from the sky, I do get tired of the rain, especially if there are several days of it in a row. Having said that, it does give me fodder for thought and hence you will see, from time to time, poetic offerings drowning in references to the rain or other such weather anomolies. As you can see, I do what I can to make the best out of a barometrically-challenged situation. 

Stay dry ...

Copyright Aimwell Enterprises 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

An update ...

I'm so lost for words
And that's just not like me.
But I'm too busy eating;
Winter's coming, you see.

I must, like the squirrel,
Put food in the store.
Or what's all this hay
In the darn paddock for?

So, you see, I am busy
Mincing words with my hay.
When I'm feeling inspired
You'll hear from me ... eh!

* * *

Honestly, I must be having writer's block, or something, or the scribe's simply not paying attention. In the meantime, I linger here in the paddock, enjoying the beautiful late fall sunshine with my buddy, Sam, and chowing down on the hay that's been provided for our eating pleasure. The muse must rest once in a while too, you know.

See you anon ...

Copyright Aimwell Enterprises 2010